Extra Pure BP Grade Lugols Iodine solution
Natural digestive aidPromotes healthy thyroid functionWide variety of uses!
Iodine Dosing and Comparison Chart
Which iodine supplement is best for you? Compare Lugols Iodine with White Iodine.
Modified Lugols Iodine 2% White Iodine
Iodine per unit 2.12 mg/drop 3.4 mg/drop
Other per unit 0.24 mg/drop Sodium 1 mg/drop Potassium
Amount per bottle Approx. 720 drops Approx. 1500 drops
For approx. 10 mg of iodine take 5 drops 3 drops
For approx. 20 mg of iodine take 9 drops 6 drops
For approx. 30 mg of iodine take 14 drops 9 drops
If you take iodine on a prolonged basis you may experience side effects. Consult a healthcare professional about prolonged usage.
As a Dietary Supplement
Iodine is a trace element that plays a vital role in hormone regulation. While small amounts are found in the stomach lining, salivary glands, and the blood, the majority of ingested iodine is utilized by the thyroid gland, where it helps to maintain energy levels by ensuring optimum use of dietary calories.
Maintaining thyroid function is vital to many life sustaining processes within the body. The thyroid takes part in regulating body temperature, metabolism, reproduction, and growth.
The immune system also benefits from sufficient iodine in the diet. Iodine stimulates the activity of antioxidants, which work to curb the damaging effects of free radicals, and acts as a defensive measure against disease formation.
Regular Use: Take ½ drop per day. Put 1 drop in a glass of water and drink half.
Intensive Use: Take up to 12 drops in ½ glass of water. For repeated intensive doses consult a qualified healthcare professional and ask about an iodine loading test.
As a Veggie Wash
It is paramount to eat clean produce. Rinsing with water alone is not enough when it comes to washing the fruits and vegetables you buy at the market. Fruits and vegetables are potential sources of food-borne illness. Take extra care in washing organic food that is often fertilized with manure as well as all fruits and vegetables that are eaten raw. Lugols iodine has been used for decades by travelers to foreign lands to wash their fruits and vegetables.
Veggie Wash Directions:
Place 2 quarts (2L) of water in a bowl and add 1 dropper full of Lugols to make an approximately 12 ½ ppm iodine solution. Add 2 droppers full of Lugols to make an approximately 25 ppm iodine solution.
Completely submerge produce for 1 minute or more. Agitate food well. Rinsing is optional. DO NOT SAVE the water for later use. It will lose its potency and color. Add more Lugols once the water turns clear.
The CA Health Code states that the 25 ppm concentration qualifies as a sanitation solution for restaurants and is as strong as a 100 ppm chlorine solution.
As a Stomach Saver
Always keep in mind that Lugols is a natural stomach support and defense. When needed, mix 12 drops of Dr. Clark Lugols Stomach Saver in ¼ cup of water. After 1 hour drink another dose if needed. If food poisoning or discomfort becomes severe or persists for more than 24 hours, consult your healthcare professional.
Dont let food poisoning run its course. Dont let H. Pylori and other unwelcome guests that can cause more damage.
Spilled Your Lugols?
If you spill Lugols and discolor your fingers or countertop, clean it up with Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and water.
Safety Information:
This medicine has not been evaluated by the Medicine Control Council and is not intended to diagnose treat, cure or prevent any dis-ease. Please consult your health practitioner before using this product.
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