structured water

all round liquid health

Information Page


Intro to Structured Water

I came across a recent discovery that blew me away! It turns out water has shown to be one of the most powerful tools in restoring health.

And no, I´m not talking about just any water. I am talking about Hydrogen Water. This borderline “healing water” has been shown to have seemingly endless benefits. Over 1,200 research studies showing that it has these incredible benefits:

Helps shrink cancer tumors, Improves gut health, Fights obesity, Improves diabetes, Protects against cell death, Safeguards DNA & RNA, Shields against radiation exposure, Supports liver health, Alleviates allergies

 There are currently over 1,200 studies showing that hydrogen water helps in over 150 diseases. The studies showing the effectiveness of Hydrogen Water are endless” (Jonothan Otto)

This new generation of Structured Water Devices based on the latest scientific breakthroughs, is here to boost you to optimal hydration while receiving the natural action and elements of supercharged hydrogen water as nature intended. Prepare yourself to experience water like never before, with a crisp clean taste and energising your complete body. This device is made by an Aeronautical Engineer in South Africa

The unit has an Imperishable Life Span

Your body’s many cries for water

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Check out the hydrogen studies

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Pimary Water Magazine

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structured water DEVICE



Structured Water – how it works


Natural Action Technologies – Structured Water: how it works


Kathy Ireland on Benefits of Structured Water


The Fourth Phase of Water: A TEDx talk


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