Spring is Here!

20 % Discounted on whole store


Herba Farmacy Products ONLY!

(With Exclusions of Oils, Electronic Equipment, books, PDF, EMF, Other Suppliers products) 


Surprise discount for all our loyal clients to welcome in the New Fresh Spring energy
ONLY from 1st September to the 15th September !

COUPON CODE: springishere


Spring is a new beginning and so should we regard this as an ideal time to Spring Clean our bodies in preparation for the Summer months ahead.

Full Body Vital Organ Detoxes with Zapping is recommended to ensure your system, Gut and Colon Health is operating at peak level. Change of season is always a difficult time as the blood in our systems starts to thin out with the warmer weather, parasites, bacteria and viruses love the heat as well, so always a good idea to get cleansed before the true heat of summer kicks in.


Use The Traditional Dr Hulda Clark Kits

Dr Hulda Clark Traditional Kits are usually a good choice to begin your yearly system cleansing and are used twice a year to ensure optimum health results.  Cleansing Full Body Vital Organ Detox is the only way to go!  Have a look on the website for all choices available!



Or Use the Quick Cleanses

Using the Quick Cleanses can be much simpler and easy to apply , especially if you have not engaged in any form of detox before. Some clients use these kits for the ease of application and because they have extremely busy lives. See options available on the website!